Our Story and Mission

About CEO

Hi there! My name is Olanrewaju Oladele, and I’m the President and CEO of Miragesketches.
I’m from Osun State, Nigeria, but I grew up in Lagos. I graduated from Yaba College of Technology in Lagos, Nigeria, where I studied Business Administration.
I chose this path because I believe in helping businesses to achieve their goals. As a teenager, I have seen many businesses failed because they didn’t have the tools to succeed.
It was a devastating thing to witness, but it also taught me an important lesson: that, with the proper support, anyone can start something unique.
I started Miragesketches—to give people the tools they need to make more sales, build more loyal client relationships, and kick butt at whatever industry they’re in. We’re so glad you stopped by!

Miragesketches is a company that helps businesses get the most from their website designs and customer support systems.
Every company should have the tools and resources they need to achieve its goals, and we’re here to help with everything.
We’ve been around since 2019 and are a 100% remote company! Our team is distributed all over the US, Nigeria, Philippines, and India.
We’ve helped hundreds of companies grow their businesses through effective web design, community moderation, chat and email support, virtual assistant services, and more.

About Website

Our team

Olanrewaju Oladele

CEO and President

I’m responsible for the overall operation. This includes the development and implementation of strategic plans, providing direction to the company’s management team, and representing the company to clients.


Yaba College of Technology
Master of business administration


7 Years of management experience
3 Years experience as CEO

Employee rating


Employment history

CEO (Miragesketches)

Team leader (Thenethypers)

Team leader (lcoboosterteam)

Top rated freelancer (Upwork)

First award

July, 2019


Abosede Cotton

Head of strategy


Frank Desifone



Rebecca Isaac

Marketing manager


Elnalee Baguya

Customer service manager